Set up your calendar to support your cycle.  Simply.

How this program will help you nail your schedule. Simply.

How much of your time is spent every month on activities that are out of sync with your cycle?  


Have you ever wondered when is the best time of the month to ask for a raise?

Have a heart-to-heart with your partner?

Go through your closet or give the house a deep clean?

Plan a sexy weekend away?

Schedule a night out with your girls?

Or even try out a new class at the gym that you’ve been curious about?


The secret is in your cycle.


In Unlock Your Schedule, we’ll crack the code on your cycle in a way that will make scheduling your activities throughout the month a breeze.  With a guide to your most aligned (and discordant!) activities throughout the four phases of the cycle, you’ll be able to plan with precision, power and pleasure!


This module can help you improve your relationship with your:



Maintaining focus

Harnessing motivation

Work, life + family balance 

Relieve overwhelm 

Improve communication issues

Scheduling dates + intimate time with a partner

How to protect yourself from common road blocks

More pleasure, joy, happiness and alignment in your work!

Here's What You'll Get!


The Feminine Approach to Scheduling + Time Management  


In this module you'll learn how to to harness the strengths of each phase of the cycle


Setting Up Your Calendar to Support Your Schedule  


In this module you'll learn how to effortless set up your calendar every month, for more ease, productivity + flow 


See the BONUS section for more details 


We're sharing our favorite playsheets, productivity trackers and even sample calendars to help you align with your cycle 

Bonus Section. Here's what else you'll get!

Daily Habit Tracker to identify what you need to focus on throughout the month 

Sample Unlock Your Schedule calendar, so that you can see exactly how to schedule your month for maximum alignment + productivity

List of aligned activities for each phase of the cycle + a troubleshoot guide to help you manage common road blocks (... we're looking at you PMS!)

PLUS our favorite tools for running a feminine-focused business!

Enroll Today! And learn how to set up your calendar to support your cycle. Simply.



Any advice or guidance from The Center for Menstrual + Sexual Health, Nicole Harlow, Unlock Your Cycle and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental.


The use of any of these suggestions or guides in our programs should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. 


The information, instruction or advice given by Nicole Harlow is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.

POP Fizz, INC. | The Center for Menstrual + Sexual Health 

Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved.