Craft a vision for your future, financial abundance + home using your cycle as a trusted guide.

How this program will help you manifest a lifestyle you LOVE.

Unlock Your Lifestyle Create a lifestyle that supports your core values.


How conscious is your lifestyle design? How fully does your lifestyle align with your values and desires?


We each have great freedom on how we choose to embody our Home, our Finances and our Creative Expression. And as women that freedom grows exponentially when you factor in the shifting hormonal energy throughout the month.


In Unlock Your Lifestyle, you’ll embark on a journey to Discover Sanctuary (Home), Manifest Abundance (Financial Freedom) and Live Boldly (Creativity, Joy + Play.)   We’ll use a blend of deep inquiry and cutting-edge research about the female hormonal matrix to create your signature lifestyle blueprint.


Join us now to create your own blueprint for intentional living

Here's What You'll Get!


HOME: Discovering Sanctuary 


In this module you'll learn how to harness the four phases of your cycle to create more harmony, joy and peace at home  


FINANCIAL FREEDOM: Manifesting Abundance 


In this module you'll learn how to troubleshoot common manifestation roadblocks and learn the steps to manifesting abundance + financial freedom  


See the BONUS section for more details 

Bonus Section. Here's what else you'll get!

Cycle Rituals for Home Playsheet

Financial Freedom Playsheet

Enroll Today! And learn how to manifest a lifestyle that you LOVE.



Any advice or guidance from The Center for Menstrual + Sexual Health, Nicole Harlow, Unlock Your Cycle and is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental.


The use of any of these suggestions or guides in our programs should not be construed as a prescription, a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved.


The information, instruction or advice given by Nicole Harlow is not intended to be a substitute for competent professional medical or psychological diagnosis and care. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.


POP Fizz, INC. | The Center for Menstrual + Sexual Health 

Copyright 2018. All Rights Reserved.